Raw stone from Zimbabwe: We currently have
in stock different types of green opal, some with yellow markings, some with orange ones, also spotty opal, lemon
opal, camouflage opal, raindrop opal, white opal with red markings, red opal, yellow jasper, brown and black
serpentine, multi-coloured cobalt, purple lepidolite, bright green
verdite and black springstone. Verdite and lepidolite are semi-precious
stones which can also be used for jewellery making.
The yellow jasper and the different types of opal are suitable
for people interested in soft and easy to carve stones or indeed anyone who wants to work with a colourful stone. For anyone interested in and experienced in working with hard stone, there is a choice of black springstone, brown/black serpentine, purple lepidolite
and bright-green verdite. The cobalt stone, although medium soft, can be a bit tricky to carve due
to its iron deposits and the fact it comes in layers (a bit like slate) but it has lots of character and comes in glorious
We are open by appointment throughout the year and during workshops.
If you can only come weekends, no problem. Please contact Renate
on Tel: 01273 565404 or e-mail: renate@africart.tv
Below are some examples of works produced by experienced artists
achieved in a 2-day workshop. The stone is hard springstone.
Below are samples of sculptures made from red opal and from white opal with red markings: New Stone for 2016
